Daša Grgič – ideazione, coreografia, danza
Paola Erdas – clavicembalo e clavicymbalum medievale
L’arte si incontra in un dialogo tra musica antica e danza contemporanea attraverso il respiro che con il suo ritmo esprime il senso del corpo.
Respiro che nasce dal silenzio, dall’esterno all’interno e dall’interno all’esterno, in continuo movimento, come la pulsazione del cuore.
Un soffio vitale che dona anima e mente al nostro corpo.
Un invito all’ascolto, dove la musica è corpo e il corpo è musica; e un omaggio alla vita, dove l’anima e il corpo, dolorosamente scissi nella nostra cultura sono da sperimentare e da vivere come totalità.
Musiche di: Francesco Landini , Ennemond Gaultier, Faenza Codex, Charles Mouton, Jacques Gallot
Produzione Festival Wunderkammer 2016
in collaborazione con il Teatro Stabile Sloveno SSG Trst
Photo Credit © Roberto Srelz & Serena Bobbo
Daša Grgič – conception, choreography and dance
Paola Erdas – harpsichord and clavicymbalum
Art originates from a dialogue between early music and contemporary dance, generated by the rhythm of breathing which expresses the sense of the body.
The act of breathing arises from silence, and goes from the outside to the inside, from the inside to the outside, in a ceaseless pulsating movement.
It is a breath of life endowing our body with soul and intellect. The performance stimulates the listening, identifying music with body and body with music. It is also a tribute to life where body and soul, painfully divided in our culture, are experienced and lived as a whole.
Music by: Francesco Landini , Ennemond Gaultier, Faenza Codex, Charles Mouton, Jacques Gallot
Production Festival Wunderkammer 2016
With the collaboration of Slovene Permanent Theatre in Triest
Photo Credit © Roberto Srelz & Serena Bobbo
Daša Grgič
Dancer, Choreographer, Teacher.
Born in Trieste, she belongs to the Slovene community in Italy. She finished the ‘Nikolais-Louis Technique Teacher Certificate Program’ (NLTTCP) in Florence recognized by ‘Nikolais Foundation for Dance of New York’ and concluded the National Course for Dance Education Teacher in Bologna. She has been developing her dance skills at the company Arearea under the direction of Roberto Cocconi.
She continued her study under the guidance of Carolyn Carlson.
She has performed in theatre productions with the Slovene Permanent Theatre Trieste (“Blood Wedding”, “TheBacchantes”) and toured in Europe, Balkan and the Middle East.
She has danced for company Arearea in “Dentro”, Blue box”, “La Giulietta”, Tempočastime”. She is teaching contemporary dance and dance education at different schools, workshops, campus in Italy and abroad. She took part in International program for visual and performing arts supported by the European Union, cooperating with artists from the cross-border area between Italy and Slovenia. She is a member of the jury for contemporarydance in several events and competition in Italy and Slovenia.
In 2011 she created a dance-theater performance “Val” with the music of Aleksi Aubry Carlosn. In January 2013 she created a new solo performance “BodyunTitled” that has been developed in a project that includes performance, video and workshop. The solo won first prize at Festival SidebySide Düsseldorf and has been presented at Tanzhaus Nrw Düsseldorf and at Festival June events Paris directed by Carolyn Carlson. “BodyunTitled” has been also presented at Festival in Lisbona, London, Buenos Aires, India, Helsinki, San Francisco, Wuppertal, Atene.
Daša works with actors, musicians, film directors, video-artists and seeks a personal connection with dance.
In 2014 she received the important accolade listina Mete Vidmar from the Public Fund for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia for her activity as a dancer and pedagogue.
Dance. Music
Faenza Codex: Bel fiore dança
Faenza Codex: Aquila Altera uccel di Dio
Francesco Landini (1325 – 1397): L’Alma mia piange
Charles Mouton (ca. 1626 – ca 1699): Le Charmant retour – Sarabande en rondeau – Canarie – La Belle Astrèè chaconne
Jacques Gallot (ca. 1625 – dopo 1690): La Malassise
Charles Mouton (ca. 1626 – ca 1699) La belle Florentine
Charles Mouton: La belle Espagnole
Ennemond Gaultier (1575 – 1651): La Cascade de Mr de Launay
Transcription by Hopkinson Smith